Capital One STEM Fellows
2017-18 STEM Teaching Fellows

STEM Teaching Fellows: A group of practitioners coming together to solve a common problem or collaborate on a common interest in STEM education.
The STEM Fellows program was launched in the fall of 2017 by the Foundation with funding from Capital One. The purpose of the initiative is to establish and support a cadre of “STEM Teaching Fellows” who, armed with content knowledge, innovative teaching strategies, and an entrepreneurial spirit, can support their colleagues and transform EBRPSS schools into institutions of innovative STEM teaching and learning. During the summer of 2017, Fifteen EBR teachers were chosen to participate in a learning community that will share promising practices via district-wide professional development venues and at practice-sharing events sponsored by the STEM Learning Network. Key topics covered during the year include: Deeper understanding and knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy that lead to greater student engagement and access to career building experiences, expanding local STEM learning resources available for teachers and development of new strategies to engage underrepresented, under-served youth in STEM.