Wanda McFarland

Wanda McFarland

Wanda is a STEM teacher at Progress Elementary. She holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and a master's degree in applied mathematics, both from Southern University.

As a retired engineer, Wanda knows the importance of instructional strategies and use of the engineering design process when integrating STEM into the curriculum. She feels that exposure to opportunities in STEM through field trips, such as, engineering career fairs, pixar studios, backstage at T.V. stations, is key and has made a commitment to her students to provide a variety of experiences. Through hands-on activities, such as, bridge building, robotics, electrical systems, computer programming, modeling systems, she thinks her students will increase STEM interest and skills.

CapitalOne Grantees

12000 Goodwood Blvd
Suite 108
Baton Rouge, La 70815

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