Nathalie Roy

Nathalie Roy teaches Roman technology, classical mythology, and Latin at Glasgow Middle School. She wrote, researched, and developed the Roman technology curriculum to help her students connect STEM to history and the humanities. Using interactive labs, her students recreate the products and processes of the ancient Romans through experimental archaeology - aqueducts, concrete, sundials, wax tablets, catapults - you name it, and Mrs. Roy's students have probably built it. She is a National Board Certified Teacher.
Project Name: Translating STEM into the World Languages Classroom
Briefly explain your philosophy on why STEM skills are important for today's students:
"Many of the STEM skills of today were the ancient Roman STEM skills of 2000 years ago. Studying STEM through the lens of history deepens students' understanding of the past. Discovering how to build things in the ancient way is a fascinating way to learn about ancient people - how they thought about technology, what resources were available to them, and how to perform under pressure. By observing how these things were done in the past, students can envision a future that is better and more efficient."
What strategies do you hope to gain from this year?:
"Through my experience in the fellowship this year, I hope to learn more about national STEM standards and assessment, but also, how to continue to connect STEM to other fields, especially the humanities."
Download their presentation here
The STEM Fellows is a project of the Foundation for East Baton Rouge School System made possible by a generous grant from Capital One. The purpose of the initiative is to establish and support a cadre of “STEM Teaching Fellows” who, armed with content knowledge, innovative teaching strategies, and an entrepreneurial spirit, can support their colleagues and transform EBRPSS schools into institutions of innovative STEM teaching and learning. In 2019, thirteen educators in East Baton Rouge Parish Public School System were named STEM Teaching Fellows.