Greenbrier Elementary School | Expect Greatness for Our Students

Purpose: I want to provide students with the best learning experience possible for them to adequately listen, converse, and teach one another. This project will help provide a foundation for my students and give them more opportunities to accomplish projects in the class.The purpose of this grant is to provide new and better learning experience for my students. I wish for all my students to have an equal opportunity to learn in a better environment with various seating options, more quality books, technology equipment, and better class incentives for positive behaviors. I'm willing to help my students however I can for them to succeed. This project is necessary because I'm not financially well off to provide the students with the accommodations I want them to receive. This project will be educational by providing students with more grade-level appropriate books, various seating for those who cannot sit still on a regular chair, I would like to buy a class set of earphones for my fluency station, and be able to afford more reward incentives for my students. Also, I found a great resource website called MobyMax to help my students with their reading comprehension, but it is expensive to buy the license for it.
Impact: All of my students were able to use headphones and I use that as a reward in the classroom to manage unwanted behaviors. The books I bought from the grant helped expand my class library. The students had more variety of books they can choose from. I’m going to use flexible seating this upcoming school year because I don’t have enough stools and other various seating arrangements. The students were excited about the fact that they could change how they sit, but I didn’t have enough. It wasn’t fair for everyone so I’ll purchase some more flexible seating over the summer break for next year. I’m so thankful for the grant and I hope to use all of what I bought for the upcoming school year.