How to Practice a Month of Gratitude and Giving

November is often associated with a time of giving thanks, and this year is no different. In order to get the most out of the month, we’re deeming this as the year to start early. Make the entire month about showing gratitude to those you love, and even strangers. From reaching out to those you love to keeping a journal, check out some ways that you can practice showing and giving gratitude all month long.
Keep a Gratitude Journal
One way to improve your mental health and clarity is to write down your thoughts. The beginning of November is the perfect time to start a gratitude journal. This could be a physical journal that is made to guide you through gratitude exercises, or it could be as simple as getting a blank journal, a piece of paper or even an online document to write your thoughts.
The concept is simple—at the end of each day, write down something that you’re thankful for. Push yourself to think of something new each day and to look for unique experiences. This will help you see the gratitude in the world around you.
Do a Random Act of Kindness Each Day
I know what you’re probably thinking—thirty random acts of kindness?! However, thirty is a small number when you break it down to one act of kindness per day. The best part about doing random acts of kindness is that they don’t have to be huge gestures. This could be as simple as holding the door open for the person behind you, even though they’re a few steps away. You could buy a stranger a cup of coffee or pay someone a compliment. The possibilities are endless, and it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Start small, and incorporate a few bigger acts throughout the month!
Show Gratitude for Your Family and Friends
Life is short, remember to tell the ones you love just how much you love them—and do it often. There are many ways you can show your friends and family that you love them. You could send a note, a text, run an errand for them or surprise them with homemade goodies. Think about something you know they would like and then shower them with love.
Start a Fundraiser
Use the start of November to launch a fundraising campaign for your favorite organization and express your gratitude. Ask a new person if they’d be willing to donate each day, or use your social media channels to tell your friends and family how they can give and get involved. Set a goal for your fundraiser and think of creative ways to reach it. You could try matching up to a certain amount of donations. Or take on a task like running one mile for every certain amount of dollars raised.
How will you make this month about giving thanks? There’s no need to wait all the way until Thanksgiving to celebrate! Giving back to those around you will help you lead a more fulfilled life. Use this list as a starting point and consider other creative and unique ways that you can give thanks this holiday season!