Ways to Give

There is no investment more rewarding than in the lives of children. Your support drives the Foundation’s positive impacts in public schools across East Baton Rouge Parish and in the lives of our students through graduation and beyond. All donations to the Foundation — a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization — are tax deductible to the full extent of the federal allowance. Foundation staff and board members approve all expenditures and provide oversight to ensure gifts are dedicated in strict accord with our mission and donor intent as well as best practices in financial accounting.*
Ways to Donate
If you’re the type that likes to see the fruits of your labor, check out our volunteer opportunities where you can directly affect those we serve. We also appreciate those that may not have the time but have the wherewithal to make a difference financially. If you’re interested in seeing what’s going on, visit our calendar of events.
General Donations
General, unrestricted donations are essential to the Foundation. Unrestricted gifts enable us to provide critical resources and innovative programs that reach every student in the school system while allowing the Foundation to meet its administrative costs. Should you prefer to designate your donation to a specific program or school, simply indicate this on the memo line of your check or include a letter with your cash donation.
Matching Gifts
Many employers offer a matching-gift program. Such programs may double or triple your contribution. For information and required forms, check with your company’s human resources department.
Deferred or Planned Giving
A deferred gift through an estate plan or life-income gift allows you the option to support the East Baton Rouge Parish School System but retain the income from those assets during your lifetime. Such a gift can enable you to take full advantage of tax laws to accomplish your financial and charitable goals. Planned gifts may be made through wills, trusts and life insurance, and other options recommended by an estate planner may be considered.
Gifts of Securities
Charitable gifts of stocks, bonds or mutual funds that have been held for at least one year and that have appreciated offer special tax advantages. You will receive a tax deduction for the full market value of the gift, but you will not have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciated amount. For example, if you donate stock purchased for $2,000 that you have owned for 12 months or more and the stock is now worth $10,000, your tax deduction will be for the full $10,000.
EBR School System Employee Giving
East Baton Rouge Parish Public Schools Payroll Deduction.
Contact us for more information and guidance about your options for charitable giving.