Celebrate National ‘Make a Difference for Children’ Month

School’s out for the summer, but that doesn’t mean children stop learning during the warmer months. This is the perfect opportunity for you to have an impact on a child’s life, just in time for National ‘Make a Difference for Children’ Month. July is a time to show children that you care about their future by making it brighter. There are countless ways you can make a difference in a child’s life, both big and small. Check out the suggestions below to lend a helping hand to children in both your community and the world.
Donate Books
Knowledge is power, and summer is the perfect time for kids to continue learning. Go shopping for books you could donate to summer camps and programs. With no classes, reading is the perfect way to keep students’ reading skills sharp. You could also call up your local librarian to see how you can help support children’s summer reading, either through a donation or by volunteering to read with kids throughout the summer months.
Provide Meals or Assistance
Many children receive lunches during the school year that are provided at no-cost, and sadly, these are meals they would not be able to afford without that assistance. When school is out for the summer, thousands of children are left without that safety net. Consider donating or volunteering with an organization or group that helps supplement meals for families in need during the off-months.
Contribute to Organizations That Benefit Children
You could help children in your community, state, country or even halfway across the world. Various summer camps are nonprofit organizations where you could volunteer as a counselor or other needed staff, from day-camps to overnight retreats. There are so many wonderful organizations out there that help impact childrens’ lives. Figure out what you’re passionate about and do research to find where your interests lie.
Become a Mentor
Becoming a mentor seems like you’re giving back to the kids and you are. However, you’ll likely get just as much out of your time spent as you put into mentoring. Children of all ages need mentors in their lives for advice, guidance and support. Mentoring activities can range from doing fun activities to simply meeting up to chat with your mentee. Find an organization or a group that facilitates mentoring in your community.
Spend Time with Your Children
If you have children of your own, this July holiday is a great reminder to put away the phone and spend quality time with your kids. Growing up happens in the blink of an eye, and summer is the perfect time to put away all distractions and truly connect. You can make a difference in a child’s life by simply showing up and being there for them consistently. Consider trying something new together, or giving one of their hobbies a try together.
Making a difference in a child’s life sounds like a daunting task, but small acts of kindness can add up and make a huge difference. Start small, like an hour spent volunteering or mentoring. You never know the difference you can truly make until you dive right in.