SQL Saturday 2019

SQL Saturday youth trak was a tremendous success. Each scholar left with knowledge they can carry for a life time about Digital Citizenship, coding and teamwork. While parents to part in the many seminars their scholars were learning how to be be safe online, and stand up to cyberbullies. Each child had the opportunity to work on projects that was age appropriate to display their knowledge of the main concept of the day to their parents, peers, and other SQL participants.
Scholars at the upper elementary level used stop motion animation to create movies about a super digital citizen who saves the day followed by a series of tasks tinkering with Little Bits STEAM kits. After the tasks were complete the scholars had to place themselves in groups of two and build a machine that would assist their super digital citizen.
The junior high group of scholars also followed a series of task with the Little Bits kits, but instead of the STEAM kits they used Coding kits to create a video game to support themes of digital citizenship. The Foundation is very grateful to SQL for hosting us at their extraordinary event and also to LaWiT (Louisiana Women in Technology) for being a constant partner and technology donor, and also our wonderful volunteers who made the youth trak a success. If you would like to see pictures from this event you can check out our Facebook page.