Family Resources
Think you might want to talk and play with your kids in ways that help nurture STEM careers? Start by learning more about STEM here, exploring these resources and activities and visit our calendar often for STEM events happening across town.
Learning More About STEM Education and Careers
A supplemental education and career guidance program, created to help equip our youth for careers in the new knowledge economy. The program uses online education tools to assess, educate, guide, and motivate students to improve their skills in critical STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) areas and ultimately succeed.
eGFI is proudly brought to you by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). They are committed to promoting and enhancing efforts to improve K-12 STEM and engineering education.
National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of parent involvement in schools.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine produce groundbreaking reports that have helped shape sound policies, inform public opinion, and advance the pursuit of science, engineering, and medicine.
STEM education (science, technology, engineering and math) is important, but less than half of teens are completing science courses through to grade 12 according to a report published by Let’s Talk Science, a London, Ont.-based organization aiming to motivate and empower youth using the STEM subjects.
Activities to Try
Empowers middle school kids to solve real-world problems and understand the impact of engineering in a global context. Refreshed weekly with challenges, videos, and activities, the website is one of the only places on the web where kids can share their engineering ideas with other kids.
At Curiosity Machine, we practice by building hands-on engineering design challenges. We believe that through building, you learn not only how something works, but why it works.
Our goal is to provide STEM resources, ideas, and encouragement to teachers, parents, and students. Our team is made up of educators, parents, engineers, and lifelong learners; our common bond is that we are all STEM enthusiasts.