North Baton Rouge Teacher Supply Fund


According to a survey by the National Center for Education Statistics, 94 percent of teachers spend their own money to stock their classrooms. With inflation currently raising prices on everyday items paired with teacher salaries, educators are feeling the increased strain on their finances.

Ensuring teachers have access to adequate supplies is essential for fostering student achievement and creating an environment conducive to effective learning.

Join ExxonMobil, our community partner, in empowering educators and supporting student success! Our campaign aims to provide teachers in an area of the parish that is the most economically challenged, with the essential supplies they need to create engaging learning experiences. By donating, you can make a direct impact on classrooms and help bridge the resource gap. Together, we can equip teachers with the tools they need to inspire, motivate, and elevate student achievement. Every contribution counts—let's invest in education and unlock the full potential of our future generation. 

In order to give teachers to time to stock their classrooms, the deadline to collect funds is Friday, July 14th. After that date, you may still support teachers via our web site by specifying a gift to Teacher Supplies on our "Donate Now" page. 


Donate today and be a part of the positive change in education!


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We have raised $27,300.00 of our $30,000.00  goal.




Help North Baton Rouge teachers supply their classrooms:

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12000 Goodwood Blvd
Suite 108
Baton Rouge, La 70815

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